The Do’s And Don’ts Following The Removal Of A Tooth Or Teeth

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Tooth removal, or “tooth extraction,” is a common procedure performed at New Smiles Dental. Our practice, located in Sherwood, Oregon, provides both simple and surgical removal of natural teeth for patients when necessary.

There are many reasons why a patient may be in a position to have teeth removed. Removal may be done to:

  • Remove problematic or unwanted wisdom teeth
  • Prepare for the placement of full dentures
  • Remove a tooth that has a large cavity or cannot be saved with endodontic treatment
  • Prepare for upcoming orthodontic work, primarily to address overcrowding issues

There are two types of tooth removal methods, including simple and surgical. Simple tooth removal removes a tooth that has already erupted through the gumline. The tooth is quickly and easily wedged out of the natural jaw bone using special instruments by our dental staff. A surgical extraction requires the dentist to cut into the soft tissues of the mouth and access the tooth before it has erupted through the gumline. This is a more invasive procedure and requires longer healing times.

What should I do (and not do!) after tooth extraction?

Here are a few recommendations for proper healing and recovery.


  • Allow for clotting to occur, as this facilitates faster healing and reduces the risk of dry socket.
  • Get enough rest after treatment, elevating the head and avoiding exercise and other vigorous activities for a few days.
  • Control swelling with ice packs on the face.
  • Take any prescribed medications to reduce infection and control discomfort.


  • Eat solid foods until advised, as this can impact necessary clot formation and be extremely painful.
  • Smoke cigarettes, as this can increase the risk of dry socket and extend healing times.
  • Avoid the dentist if problems arise or concerns develop, as this can impact recovery.

Schedule your appointment at New Smiles Dental today!

Sherwood, Oregon patients ready to work with a dental team that promotes good oral health and wellness, while offering a wide range of services under one roof, are invited to request a visit with the team at New Smiles Dental. Our practice is conveniently located at 17680 SW Handley, Ste. #1 and an appointment can be made with our front office team by calling (503) 925-9595.


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